Saturday, July 11, 2015

Hebreërs 5 – Geloof

Ons almal het vrae oor geloof, hoe dit werk wat dit is en nog vele meer....

Die momente van hierdie hoofstukke:

1. Hebreërs 11 is ‘n beskrywing van geloof in Aksie, ‘n rekord van mense wat hierdie kapasiteit van geloof gebruik het om God se woord te hoor oor omstandighede en Sy plan raak te sien vir die transformering van hul lewens en die om hul se lewens.
2. Hebreërs 12 daag ons uit om hierdie geloof-gebaseerde lewenswyse na te volg as seuns en dogters van God. Dit beskryf Christus se geloof terwyl hy die uitdagings van die kruis beleef het.
3. Hebreërs 13 Jesus bly die konstante, wees vergenoegd met wat jy het, waardeer die in en om jou lewe en wees altyd gereed om Christus ten toon te stel.

Wat beteken geloof?

Definisie van geloof:

 (Heb 11:1 ALT) Now faith is [the] assurance [or, substance] of [things] being hoped for [or, being confidently expected], [the] confident assurance [or, proof] of things not seen.

Neem in ag ons benadering uit ‘n westerse kultuur is: Wat is die eienskappe van iets? (hoe lyk dit, hoe voel dit en hoe proe dit?)
Die benadering van ‘n nie-westerse kultuur is een van funksionalitiet, wat geloof doen, waarvoor dit gebruik word.
Ons benadering moet eerder wees wat dit doen as wat dit is….as ons hom nou vertaal vanuit ‘n plek van funksionaliteit…gee dit ons die regte vertrekpunt tot die verstaan van geloof.

‘Faith gives substance to the things we hope for (which have not yet become manifest in physical reality, but are real in eternity), provides evidence or proof for the things we cannot see (with our physical senses)’.

Hebreërs 11, Rom 4, Jak 2 bemoei hulle met die funksionele definisie van geloof (Abraham se storie van geloof)

Geloof is die vermoë om in die gees te kan sien.
Joh 5:19 AOV  Jesus het toe geantwoord en vir hulle gesê: Voorwaar, voorwaar Ek sê vir julle, die Seun kan niks uit Homself doen tensy Hy die Vader dit sien doen nie. Want alles wat Hy doen, dit doen die Seun ook net so.

Geloof is die sintuig van my gees, die oë om te kan sien, God se ewigheidsplan te kan sien, ‘n ewigheidsperspektief te kan vorm. Dit wat alreeds in my gees is word my oortuiging; sodat die wat om my is kan beleef dat ‘n man/vrou van geloof is.

11:1 Persuasion confirms confident expectation and proves the unseen world
to be more real than the seen. Faith celebrates as certain what hope still visualizes as future. (The shadow can no longer substitute the substance of faith. Jesus is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of everything the prophets foretold.)
11:2 People of previous generations received the testimony of their hope in faith. It was faith that made their hope tangible. (Only the Messiah can give substance to the Messianic hope. No substitute will suffice!)
11:3 Faith alone explains what is not apparent to the natural eye; how the ages were perfectly framed by the Word of God. Now we understand that everything visible has its origin in the invisible. – Francois du Toit

Ondekking van geloof….

Rom 12:3 MKJV  For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think. But set your mind to be right-minded, even as God has dealt to every man the measure of faith.

Dieselfde geloof in Christus…is in my

Rom 10:6 But faith finds its voice in something much closer to man than his most disciplined effort to obey the law; faith understands that Christ is no longer a distant promise neither is he reduced to a mere historic hero. He is mankind’s righteousness now! Christ is no longer hidden somewhere in the realm of heaven as a future hope. For the Jews to continue to ask God to send the Messiah is a waste of time! That is not the language of faith. - Francois du Toit

Rom 10:17 It is clear then that faith’s source is found in the content of the message heard; the message is Christ. (We are God’s audience; Jesus is God’s language! Greek, ek, a preposition that denotes source or origin, thus faith comes out of the word that reveals Christ. The word of "Christ" appears in the best manuscripts.) - Francois du Toit

Wat het hierdie manne en vroue van Hebreërs 11 dan verstaan van geloof?

Abraham en Isak se storie (Heb 11:16-19 - Francois du Toit)

11:16 Their faith saw a greater reality in the spiritual realm than that which they experienced in their present situation; they reached for their true native city designed by God, where he himself is proud to be their permanent address. (The fulfilment of the promise is Christ. He is both our native land and our eternal city!)
11:17 Faith became a more tangible evidence of the promise than even Isaac could ever be to Abraham. Isaac neither fulfilled nor replaced the promise. Inspired by what faith saw, Abraham was ready to do the ridiculous; to sacrifice his only son, convinced that not even Isaac's death could nullify the promise that God had made to him. (If Isaac was not the substance of Abraham’s faith then who was? Abraham saw beyond Isaac; Jesus said, "Abraham saw my day!" John 8:56-58, "Before Abraham was, I am.")
11:18 Yet Abraham knew that God had said that his lineage of faith would be traced through Isaac!
11:19 He made a prophetic calculation by faith, to which there could only be only one logical conclusion based on the word he had received: that God would raise the promise from the dead. (In the context of Abraham’s vision, this was an analogy pointing to parable of the death and resurrection of Christ. Calculation, logical conclusion, logitzomai, from logos – God’s faith is God’s logic).

Hulle het Christus gesien….

 Joh 8:56 MKJV  Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and He saw and was glad.

 Dit wat hulle gesien het, het hulle gedoen…

Jas 2:20-24 MSG  Use your heads! Do you suppose for a minute that you can cut faith and works in two and not end up with a corpse on your hands?  (21)  Wasn't our ancestor Abraham "made right with God by works" when he placed his son Isaac on the sacrificial altar?  (22)  Isn't it obvious that faith and works are yoked partners, that faith expresses itself in works? That the works are "works of faith"?  (23)  The full meaning of "believe" in the Scripture sentence, "Abraham believed God and was set right with God," includes his action. It's that mesh of believing and acting that got Abraham named "God's friend."  (24)  Is it not evident that a person is made right with God not by a barren faith but by faith fruitful in works?

Het ek dan te min geloof? (Die maansieke kind wat bevry is…Matt 17)

Mat 17:20 MKJV  And Jesus said to them, Because of your unbelief. For truly I say to you, If you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, Move from here to there. And it shall move. And nothing shall be impossible to you.

Ongeloof is om iets of iemand anders se inspraak bo die openbaring van Christus te stel (Israel in die woestyn Heb 3) (Tywfel is altyd met ons dit is nie ongeloof nie)

Implikasie vir my….
1. Kies intimiteit met die Here bo alles (Joh 14)
2. Belyn jou siel met die realiteit van die Woord (Rom 12:1-3)
3. Leef elke dag met die realiteit van jou gees (Heb 5:12)

Vrae vir jou kleingroep: (Andrew Wammack – You’ve already Got it – p 68)
1. Lees Heb 11-13, wat verstaan jy van geloof?
2. Hoe lyk geloof wanneer jul bymekaar is?
3. Hoe lyk geloof elke dag waar jy werk en leef?

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