Saturday, September 23, 2017

Love: Contribution


Om te verstaan wat jou bydrae is, is dit nodig om jou rol in die Koninkryk van God te verstaan.

Daar was ’n Profetiese woord oor die die lewe van Jesus.

Luk. 1: 32 Hy sal groot wees en die Seun van die Allerhoogste genoem word; en die Here God sal aan Hom die troon van sy vader Dawid gee,
33 en Hy sal koning wees oor die huis van Jakob tot in ewigheid, en aan sy koninkryk sal daar geen einde wees nie.

Jesus kondig aan dat ‘n nuwe koninkryk gevestig gaan word.

Matt 4:17 Van toe af het Jesus begin om God se boodskap aan te kondig met die woorde: “Kom tot inkeer! God se koningsheerskappy gaan nou enige oomblik begin!”

Selfs in Jesus se gebed wat Hy vir ons geleer het, bring Hy die konsep “Koninkryk van God” in.

Matt 6:9 Onse Vader wat in die Hemel is, laat U koninkryk gevestig word
Soos in die Hemel so ook op die aarde.

Waar pas ons in die prentjie in? 

  • Ons is burgers van God se Koninkryk.

Petrus maak ʼn stelling dat ons nie in die eerste plek deel van ʼn aardse regering is nie, maar deel van die Koninkryk van God is.

1 Petr  2:11 Geliefdes, in die wêreld is julle vreemdelinge en bywoners.
Dus in die eerste plek is ons mense van God se Koninkryk en ons lewe moet hierdie kultuur uitleef in die omgewing waar ons, ons bevind.

  • Tweedens word die visie van die Koninkryk van God ons visie.

Rom 8:19 Want die skepping wag met reikhalsende verlange op die openbaarmaking van die kinders van God

Wie is jy? 

Jy is nie net ’n burger van die koninkryk nie.

Jy is ’n koning in God se koningkryk. ‘n Koning wat moet regeer oor jou omgewing.

Open 1:5  en van Jesus Christus, die getroue getuie, die eersgeborene uit die dode en die Owerste oor die konings van die aarde! Aan Hom wat ons liefgehad het en ons van ons sondes gewas het in sy bloed
6 en ons gemaak het konings en priesters vir sy God en Vader, aan Hom die heerlikheid en die krag tot in alle ewigheid! Amen.

Jesus is die Koning van God se Koninkryk en Hy is die Koning van die konings (Jy/ons).
Anders gestel, jy is ‘n Ambassadeur in God se koningkryk.

2 Kor.5:20 Ek is Christus se ambassadeur hier op aarde. Ek verteenwoordig Hom op elke plek waar ek kom. God praat deur my met julle almal.

Hoe lyk ’n ambassadeur ? 

Ef 2:10 want ons is God se handewerk. Hy het ons in ons eenheidsband met Christus Jesus só gemaak dat ons die goeie werke wat Hy vir ons bestem het, kan uitlewe

  • Handewerk: Jy is deel van God se storie
  • Eenheidsbad: Eerstens tree ek op in gehoorsaamheid aan Jesus en beweeg ek volgens Sy potensiaal in my.

ʼn Ambassadeur stel Sy lewe beskikbaar om God te verteenwoordig in sy omgewing.

Vier aksies  wat jou rol as ambassadeur beskryf. 

Raak deel van Jesus se visie.
Matt 28:18 Jesus kom toe nader en sê vir sy dissipels: “God het die volle mag oor hemel en aarde aan My toevertrou.
19 Gaan dan, maak al die nasies my dissipels, en doop hulle in die Naam van die Vader en die Seun en die Heilige Gees.

ʼn Beweging om te sien hoe mense hulself in Jesus ontdek.
Om nuwe mense te help connect met groepslewe.

Ons gee om en ondersteun mekaar.
Om verantwoordelikheid op te neem om mense binne en buite die gemeente te versorg.

Die verantwoordelikheid om te groei en te laat groei.
Om verantwoordelikheid op te neem om ander te help groei deur dissipelskap.

Om as ʼn City Changer ʼn verskil te maak deur my passie uit te leef
Om prakties my talent en tyd te gebruik om die stad te sien transformeer.

Lets start a City Changers Movement.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Love - Calling

In Doxa Deo we raise and release ‘Called Ones’. We do not reference people as volunteers, as a volunteer is someone that helps someone else fulfill their calling -  rather we recognize people as co-laborers.
In Doxa Deo we recognize calling both within and outside of the Church. Many are called to live out their calling in the marketplace.

Each person has a calling.
Paul referenced those working alongside him as Co-workers:
Philemon 1:24  And so do Mark, Aristarchus, Demas and Luke, my fellow workers.
Col 4:11 Jesus, who is called Justus, also sends greetings. These are the only Jews among my co-workers for the kingdom of God, and they have proved a comfort to me.
Phil 4:3 Yes, and I ask you, my true companion, help these women since they have contended at my side in the cause of the gospel, along with Clement and the rest of my co-workers, whose names are in the book of life.

Calling implies living beyond yourself 
Phi 2:4-8 Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death— even death on a cross!
Living beyond yourself implies three things:
1. Sacrifice: We are called to give up who we are right now so we can become who God wants us to be.
2. Service: We are called to give ourselves to others and invest our lives in those around us.
3. Selflessness: We are called to live beyond ourselves and give ourselves to Christ and His Kingdom.

What is necessary in our lives that will help us stay true to our calling?
Walk worthy your Calling
In order for us to stay true to our calling, we have to realise that it is not necessary to ‘earn our place’ anymore. We have been set free from any form of inferior living and are now able to live our lives according to the standard of Jesus Christ. Paul gives the first three chapters in Ephesians to establish the truth that we are found ‘in Christ’ and then challenges us to live according to that calling
Eph 4:1 NKJV  I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called,….
Eph 4:1 Msg  In light of all this, here's what I want you to do. While I'm locked up here, a prisoner for the Master, I want you to get out there and walk--better yet, run!--on the road God called you to travel. I don't want any of you sitting around on your hands. I don't want anyone strolling off, down some path that goes nowhere.

We Need to know what our gifts are
We as Christians should work like a body, each one of us has a different role to play. If we don’t know what our giftings are we will not serve God’s calling for our life.

Rom 12:4-6 Amp
For as in one physical body we have many parts (organs, members) and all of these parts do not have the same function or use. So we, numerous as we are, are one body in Christ (the Messiah) and individually we are parts one of another [mutually dependent on one another]. Having gifts (faculties, talents, qualities) that differ according to the grace given us, let us use them:

We need to discover the Passion of Ministry
Now I rejoice in what was suffered for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ’s afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church.  I have become its servant by the commission God gave me to present to you the word of God in its fullness— the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints. To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. To this end I labor, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me. 
Colossians 1:24-29 (NIV)

The mentality of the professional is not the mentality of the minister of life. It is not the mentality of the slave of Christ.  Professionalism has nothing to do with the essence and heart of the Christian ministry. The more professional we long to be, the more spiritual death we will leave in our wake.

For there is no professional childlikeness (Matt. 18:3);  there is no professional  tender heartedness (Eph. 4:32);  there is no professional panting after God (Ps. 42:1).
Our business is to strain forward to the holiness of Christ and the prize of the upward call of God  (Phil. 3:14);
We have been crucified with Christ; yet now we live by faith in the one who loved us and gave Himself for us (Gal. 2:20).  
 We were given the gospel treasure to carry in clay pots to show that the transcendent power is of God (2 Cor. 4:7) so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested through us (2 Cor. 4:9-11). 
We daily deny ourselves and take up the blood-spattered cross of Christ (Luke 9:23).

 We are God-besotted lovers of Christ 

Brothers, we are not professionals! We are aliens and exiles in the world (I Pet. 2:11).
Our citizenship is in heaven (Phil. 3:20).
There is an infinite difference between the leader whose heart is set on being a professional and the leader whose heart is set on being the aroma of Christ, the fragrance of death to some and eternal life to others (2 Cor. 2:15-16).
 The life-giving minister is  a man of God, whose heart is ever a thirst for God, whose soul is ever following hard after God, whose eye is single to God, and in whom by the power of God's Spirit, the flesh and the world have been crucified.
His ministry is like the generous flood of a life-giving river. 

We are most emphatically not part of a social team sharing goals with other professionals. The professionalization of the ministry is a constant threat to the profoundly spiritual nature of our work.  Professionalism kills a man's belief that he is sent by God to save people from hell and to make them Christ-exalting, spiritual ambassadors in the world 
God, deliver us from professionalism!
     Deliver us from the "low, managing, contriving, manoeuvring temper of mind among us." God, give us tears for our people. 
Forgive us for being
so shallow and so thin in our grasp of things that are holy,
so content amid perishing communities,
so empty of passion and earnestness in all our conversation.
Restore to us the childlike joy of our salvation. Alarm us with your awesome holiness and power.  Cause us to hold to the cross with fear and gratitude as our hope-filled tree of life
Prayer: May Christ be all in all. Banish professionalism from our midst Oh God, and in its place put passionate prayer, hunger for God, white-hot devotion to Jesus Christ, utter indifference to all material gain, and unremitting labour to rescue the perishing, perfect the saints, and glorify our Lord.
O God, let us rise, not as professionals, but as witnesses of the glory and majesty of  Christ Jesus our Lord.
In His awesome name. Amen.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Love: Compassion

In Luk 10 vertel Lukas drie verhale wat ons in konteks met mekaar moet lees.
Hierin is sleutels opgesluit om liefdevolle meegevoel met ander mense te hê.

Jesus stuur die dissipels twee-twee uit.
Die opdrag was: 
Luk 10: 9 Genees die siekes wat daar woon, en sê vir hulle: ‘Die koningsheerskappy van God is nou naby julle
en potensiaal om dit te kan doen lê in die gesag wat hulle van Jesus ontvang het
Luk 10: 19 En Ek het julle gesag gegee oor alle mag van die vyand, en julle kan oor slange en skerpioene loop en hulle vermorsel. Niks sal julle beseer nie

Jesus stel die voorbeeld.
Direk na die gebeure beleef Jesus hoe die Heilige Gees Hom inspireer.

Jesus leer Sy volgelinge: 
As jy na Sy lewe kyk sal jy God die Vader se karakter in Sy optrede ontdek.

Luk 10 22 “My Vader het My gesag oor alles gegee. Niemand ken werklik die Seun nie, behalwe die Vader, en niemand ken werklik die Vader nie, behalwe die Seun en hulle aan wie die Seun Hom wil openbaar.”
23 Toe hulle alleen was, het Hy na die dissipels gedraai en gesê: “Hoe bevoorreg is julle om te sien wat julle sien! 24Ek sê vir julle, baie profete en konings het begeer om te sien en te hoor wat julle sien en hoor, maar hulle kon nie.”

Kyk na Hom: 
Hoe Jesus  mense met genade behandel het.
Hoe Hy nie verby mense in nood gestap het nie.

Johannes som dit wat hy sien op as:
God is liefde 1 Joh 4:16
Jesus se optrede was gekenmerk deur liefde.
Omdat Jesus se karakter liefde is (Sy DNA) was liefdevolle optrede soos tweede natuur.

Barmhartige Samaritaan Luk 10:25-35
Jesus is die voorbeeld van wie ons is en hoe ons moet leef.

Lees die storie vanuit die hoek dat Jesus die Barmhartige Samaritaan is en jy die man op reis is.

  • Ervaar hoe Jesus by jou kom stilstaan, jou wonde genees en vir jou lewe kom betaal.
  • Dit is die voorbeeld van die hart van die Vader. 
  • Jy het self hierdie liefde beleef daarom kan jy nie anders as om liefde uitdrukking te gee nie.

Luk 10: 36 “Nou, watter van hierdie drie sou jy sê, was ’n naaste vir die man wat deur die rowers aangeval is?” het Jesus gevra.
37 Die man het geantwoord: “Die een wat aan hom medelye bewys het.” Toe het Jesus gesê: “Gaan nou, en doen jy dieselfde.”

Die storie van Marta en Maria. 
Die laaste storie in die Hoofstuk mag dalk lyk of dit in kontras staan met ‘n lewe van diensbaarheid, maar dit wys dat ʼn lewe van liefde begin by ʼn verhouding met Jesus.

Jesus en sy volgeling besoek Marta en Maria.
Maria gaan sit aan die voete van Jesus.
Marta is besig om diensbaar (kos vir almal te maak) te wees.
Martha is ongelukkig dat Maria haar nie help nie, sy kla by Jesus dat Maria aan Sy voete sit en haar nie help nie.

Jesus se onverwagte antwoord bevat die sleutel hoe om hierde bonatuurlike liefde uit te leef.

Luk 10 41 Maar die Here het geantwoord: “Marta, Marta, jy kwel jou tog oor so baie dinge! 42 Daar is regtig net een ding wat nodig is om oor besorg te wees. Maria het dit ontdek – en Ek gaan dit nie van haar af wegneem nie.”

Net een ding: 
Kom sit aan die voete van Jesus. 
Waar ons Sy liefde beleef.
Waar ons Sy DNA in ons ontdek.
Waar Sy hart afsmeer op ons.

Geen wonder Jesus lei die gelykenis van die Barmhartige Samaritaan soos volg in nie:
Luk 10:27 Die man het geantwoord: “‘Jy moet die Here jou God liefhê met jou hele hart, jou hele siel, al jou krag en jou hele verstand.’ En: ‘Jy moet jou medemens liefhê soos jouself.’

Vanuit ʼn verhouding met Jesus.
Ontdek jy;

1. Sy liefde vir jou en dit inspireer jou om ander lief te hê.

1 Kor 1:3 God, die Vader van ons Here Jesus Christus, word geprys! Hy is die Vader van barmhartigheid en die God wat in elke opsig bemoedig. 4In al ons swaarkry bemoedig Hy ons. Hy doen dit sodat ons ook in staat sal wees om mense in al hulle swaarkry by te staan met dieselfde bemoediging waarmee God ons versterk het

When you begin to see the love of God unveiled you cannot but respond in love, because love awakens love.

2. Jy ontdek ook dat jy die volheid van God se liefde ontvang het.

Rom 5:5 Hy het sy liefde mos in ons harte uitgestort deur sy Heilige Gees wat Hy aan ons gegee het.

Soos Jesus se karakter liefde is, so is jou DNA liefde.
Jy moet net toelaat dat Jesus se liefde wat in jou is deur jou vloei.

2 Cor 5 14 For the love of Christ controls and compels us,

Hoe meer jy aan Jesus se voete sit, hoe meer sal jy beleef liefde raak tweede natuur

John 4:12 NLT No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us, and his love is brought to full expression in us.